1MW Solar Power Stataion in Lelystad Netherlands
PROJECT SUMMARY:The most important renewable energy technologies on the Netherlands market are hydropower,solar photovoltaic and wind power.Netherlands is currently developing at almost twice the speed of wind energy in the field of solar photovoltaics.
E-Wealthtech SOLAR SCOPE:E-Wealthtech solar provided the full scope of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) for this project.
SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS:1MW Solar Power Stataion in Lelystad Netherlands Project Type: Large-Scale Roof-Mounted Power PlantPanel type:Polycrystalline 260watt solar module Total
KEY FEATURES:1mw solar power plant.This solar power sytstem is a database of all ground-mounted solar projects, 1 MW and above, that are either operating, under construction or under development.